Duration: 1hr 25 min
Release Date: 12/8/22
A summary by Jordan Johnson, BS
5 Key Takeaways
Eat about 1 gram of protein per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of body weight daily
Optimize your sleep, minimum of 7 hours for adults
Fast 16-24 hours after a day of "bad eating"
Consume antioxidants after workouts (excluding vitamin E & C)
Managing stress will optimize muscle growth
Can you build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
How to Accelerate Body Recomposition in trained individuals- (muscle mass gained and fat mass lost)
Protein intake
Minimum protein intake for general longevity and maintenance of muscle mass
0.6g-0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight
Individuals who are the most successful at fat loss and muscle gain
1.2g-1.6g of protein per kilogram of body weight
If sleep is neglected, negative hormonal adaptations through HPA (structures in the brain) will occur
Increase in cortisol (stress hormone that causes fat gain)
Increase in blood glucose
Decrease in insulin sensitivity (how effectively your body shuttles energy in the cell)
Decrease in testosterone
Decreases muscle mass
Decrease in adiponectin
Hormone that promotes fat burning
Decrease in growth hormone
Affects recovery and ability to gain muscle
Rise in Ghrelin
The hunger hormone
Decrease in Leptin
Responsible for appetite satiety (feeling full)
Impact of dietary factors on sleep
Late in the day caffeine ruins sleep
Paraxanthine (can be used as a caffeine substitute)
Metabolite that is broken down from coffee
Euphoric inducing, focus enhancing, confidence inducing type of molecule
Shorter half life (4-6 hours)-how quickly it leaves your system
High glycemic carbohydrates (sugar) at night
Increases sleep latency (the amount of time it takes to fall asleep)
Amplifies serotonin release
Produces less melatonin (sleep causing agent)
Proteins that are high in tryptophan (amino acid)
Reduces sleep latency (fall asleep faster)
Example: Milk, fish, cheese, poultry
Probiotics may assist in healthy sleep
L. reuteri yogurt
Releases oxytocin
Cherry juice
Beetroot juice or powder
Also great for performance and attitude
FMPs (flavors with modifying properties)
Sensory enhancing effects
FMPs that are added to an ingredient are the type of thing that would increase the sensory output
Enhancing properties make the compound addicting
Modifies the properties
“Mind altering”
Ingredients can go beyond just flavoring agents
They can have partial NMDA antagonist activity (same as cannabis and coffee)
Linalool oxide
Problematic because it’s a cockroach insecticide ingredient
La Criox was sued for having this in their drinks
Inhibits acetylcholine and acts on their nervous system
Affects neurotransmitters
The idea that antioxidant supplementation will blunt muscle hypertrophy (ability to build muscle)
High doses of vitamin C and vitamin E post workout is something to be careful with
When you take antioxidant supplements (black currant powder, cocoa powder), there is a pathway for the nitric oxide to hangout in your bloodstream much longer
Improves capillary density and red blood cell velocity (more red blood cells) and enhances effects of nitric oxide (widens blood vessels) consumption
Greenfield is now saying that your "pump"/blood flow and oxidation of muscle can be improved by antioxidants after a workout. Do NOT be concerned with antioxidants blunting muscle hypertrophy (still says stay away from Vitamin C and E post workout)
Highest in antioxidants:
Red wine
Green tea
How to Reboot the Body and Brain after a Cheat Meal
5-6g of spirulina and 5-6g of glycine
Helps to protect the cells from high consumption of vegetable oils
Activated Charcoal
Especially if you are consuming a questionable source of meat
Cellular autophagy
Fasting (16-24 hour fast)
Bone broth
Kitchari cleanse
More intense cleanse- panchakarma cleanse
Aiding in digestion and Glycemic variability
Kion lean
Dihydroberberine (prior to meal)
Walk after meal
Digestive enzymes
Up sauna intake
Especially infrared
CGM (continuous glucose monitor)
For accountability
Dihydromyricetin (DHM)
Liver cleansing
Strategies for Stress
Self regulation
Change the cadence
Resonance breathing timer
2-5 min of breath work daily
Quality social time with individuals