Released Date: 2/15/22
Podcast Duration: 1:02:08
5 Key Takeaways
Sleeping for 7-8 hours per day will increase brain function and slow aging
Eat a diet that is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, at least 1 gram per day
Continue to learn new things to improve neural plasticity and reduce brain aging
Taking an NAD supplement may improve longevity
Exercise daily to support blood flow to the brain
In this episode, Dr. David Sinclair discusses brain aging with co-host Matthew LaPlante. They examine evidence around the idea that the brain ages more slowly than other parts of the body and discuss how aging impacts cognitive function. In addition, a plant-based diet, exercise, metformin, NAD boosters, and sufficient sleep are discussed as ways to preserve brain health.
Ex-differentiation as a Driver of Aging
A new idea of aging is that it's not just random variables going wrong, there is actually a program that begins at birth
During birth, and prior to that is when cells gain an identity
Epigenome is the regulator of the genome (series of DNA that tells the body what to do)
Aging is like scratches on a CD and you cannot read the right songs at the right time
A brain cell over time starts to play the "music" of a liver cell or a skin cell and doesn't function correctly
The Brain Ages Slowly
The Brain Age is slower than the rest of the body in early life
There is a very good chance that your brain is biologically younger than you are
Predicted age is lower in the brain than anywhere else in the body, sometimes just a quarter of the age of other parts of the body
Our brain is protected by a blood brain barrier, it doesn't get hit by UV light, like our skin does
The blood brain barrier prevents toxins from the blood to enter into the brain
These super protective mechanisms keep the brain stay younger for longer, but they're not perfect
By working on aging we can keep the whole body young, including the brain
The volume of the brain after the age of 40, reduces about 5% per decade
Cognitive Function and Plasticity
We live in a world now where every year you have to be learning something new
A plastic environment is an ever changing environment
We need plasticity (the brain learning new things) to respond to these changes over time
You'll be isolated if you are not able or willing to adopt new changes to your environment
This requires a brain that is highly adaptable
Three Longevity Pathways: mTOR, AMPK, and Sirtuins
There are three main buckets of longevity factors that respond to adversity
mTOR plays in autophagy (the removal of dysfunctional cells)
Sirtuins are central to brain health
Sirtuins respond to a whole variety of environmental pseudo stressors
They make cells more resistant to toxins and stress
Cert 1 is most important for controlling brain aging
AMPK helps to stimulate energy generating processes
Brings more ATP(energy) to cells so they can function more efficiently
Plant-based Diets and B-vitamins
The Mediterranean type diet protects the brain from aging and can even reverse aspects of aging
There was a 10% reduction in dementia risk for people on the Mediterranean diet
That includes olive oil in the diet, red wine, and not a lot of red meat
Resveratrol from red wine has clearly been shown to be beneficial in enhancing metabolic and brain efficiency
Also reduces cancer risk
Plant based diets have low levels of animal proteins
This tricks the body into thinking that the food supply is limited
Stimulates hormesis (makes cells more adaptable and resistant to disease)
If you're just consuming plants, a deficiency in folic acid (vitamin B-9) and cobalamin (vitamin B-12) is likely
These B vitamins contain metals that are added and subtracted from the DNA
This controls the DNA methylation clock (predicts biological age)
If you have low levels of B 12 then it is very likely to accelerate the clock in a way that causes aging
Homocysteine, Plaque, and Vasculature
High homocysteine levels are a predictor of heart disease and dementia
Lack of B vitamins raises these levels
The best way to keep homocysteine levels low is to make sure B-12 levels are optimal
High homocysteine levels do correlate with increased susceptibility to plague build up in arteries
This leads to decreased blood flow in the vasculature (arteries and veins)
Fatty Acids
The majority of Americans do not get enough omega three fatty acids (anti-inflammatory)
Fish, Salmon,Mackerel, Krill, and Sardines are good sources of Omega 3s
There are three main sources of Omega 3s
EPA- Eicosapentaenoic acid
EPA is the most important one and you want to get at least a gram of that per day
DHA- Docosahexaenoic acid
ALA- Alpha linolenic acid
If you follow a plant based diet it is important to supplement this fatty acid
You can get ALA from flaxseed, walnuts, chia seeds, and linseed oil
Omega threes actually form a structural component that protects the brain from inflammation
Physical Activity
Aerobic exercise (cardio) such as walking will improve your chances of having a better memory and cognition as you get older
There are two reasons why exercise improves longevity
Better blood flow
Improved neuronal activity which slows aging of brain cells
Exercise can greatly improve executive function (working memory, flexible thinking and self control)
Strength training can increase the level of factors that grow new brain cells and optimize nerve pathways
This drug was originally created to treat type II diabetes
Lowers blood sugar levels
Different studies on fish, mammals and humans show that Metformin is good for brain health
Taking metformin increases mitochondrial hormesis which will raise NAD levels
This increases energy availability to the cell
Studies show that Metformin can reduce dementia incidents by 55%
NAD Boosters
There has been a lot of animal research on NAD boosters which show that it can elevate cognitive functioning and promote recovery after brain injury
NAD levels go down for a couple of reasons
Poor diet
Lack of exercise
NAD activates sirtuins in a test tube and in the cell
NR which is another kind of NAD booster that slows down the progression of ALS
More research needs to be done to determine the effectiveness of NAD boosters in humans
Increasing Blood Flow
Vascular (blood) flow is important in our bodies and even more important in our brains
Our brain requires blood flow and oxygenation to function properly
NAD boosters may improve blood flow which results in vascular flow increase
A study shows that overexpression from NAD turned up cert 1 in the brain, extending a mouse's lifespan
This protects them against ALS, Huntington's and Alzheimer's disease
Research shows if you don't sleep you're going to age faster
Cert 1 and NAD play a fundamental role in controlling your wake sleep cycle
Sleep efficiency actually declines with age
Try to get sunlight early in the morning
This provides a natural energy boost
Helps reset circadian rhythms
NAD boosters can improve symptoms in human subjects suffering from sleep deprivation
Our brains are being besieged with stress all the time, we need sleep to reset