Release Date: 1/30/2023
Podcast Length: 40:01
4 Key Takeaways
Eat at least 30-50 grams of protein in your first meal of the day
Eating a high protein diet is directly linked to weight loss
Most people should eat 1-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or 30 grams 3-4 times daily
Eating BOTH plant and animal proteins is best for overall health and longevity
This episode of the Doctors Pharmacy podcast talks about how much protein people
should eat and why it is important for our body. This audio features four conversations with
different experts who specialize in proteins.
Adequate Protein intake is essential to human health
It is best to consume protein from a variety of sources
Eating animal protein is important for building muscle
Animal proteins are rich in Leucine (an essential amino acid)
Leucine activates the switch that increases protein synthesis (muscle building)
To get enough leucine from plants you would have to eat six cups of quinoa or two cups of beans per meal
If veganism or vegetarianism is your choice then the use of supplements should be considered
It is important to add extra branched-chain amino acids
These do not exist naturally in plants alone
How Much Protein do we need?
There is no correct answer for everyone
It is suggested to eat between 1 and 2 grams per kilogram(2.2 lbs) of body weight
It is crucial for children and elderly people to consume at least 1G per kilogram
This supports healthy muscle density
Athletes require more protein to maintain athletic performance
Dr. Hyman suggests eating 30-50 grams of dietary proteins during the first meal after an overnight fast
This helps the body to reach the leucine threshold needed to stimulate mTOR
mTOR controls the signalling of skeletal muscle mass growth and wastage
It is recommended to add carbs to the first meal if needed to support exercise
It is recommended that every ounce of food eaten contains 7 grams of protein
In general Dr. Hyman suggests:
30 grams per meal
Three-four meals per day (depending on exercise levels)
The US Department of Agriculture states that most Americans do not consume enough protein on a daily basis
The average American gets only 60-90 grams per day
Studies suggest that if you are 18 years old or younger and exercise regularly then you should have at least 20 grams per meal to achieve maximum benefits
30 grams per meal yielded even better results
Benefits of Proteins
Eating protein for breakfast is important because it helps regulate your appetite and builds muscle
Protein takes more energy to metabolize(convert into energy) so you can lose weight just by choosing to eat more protein and less carbohydrates (sugar)
Eating high-quality proteins daily is directly linked to increased longevity
Protein and Veganism
Getting enough protein is difficult but possible for vegans
Combining plant proteins like beans, grains, and nuts can achieve a complete protein profile
The combination of soy, quinoa, and hemp can provide all of the amino acids needed to build muscle
Plant matter contains less protein than animal sources so more needs to be consumed
Getting adequate protein from plants often requires a specialized diet plan from a nutritionist or dietitian
Vegetarianism is much easier to get adequate protein
Can combine complete proteins from animal products such as whey (byproduct of cheese making)
Mixing whey with plant proteins like soy allows for easy and adequate intake without harming animals
Protein and Satiety (The feeling of being full)
Eating protein dense food makes you feel more full for a longer period of time
This reduces the chance of over eating
Eating carbohydrate dense foods results in more eating and a shorter period of satiety
Confusion Around Protein Intake
Research offers wildly different data regarding the best amount and types of protein sources
Dr. Hyman believes that the governments recommendation on daily protein intake is not enough for most people
Especially for older populations
Elderly may need two times the recommended daily intake to prevent muscle wasting
Companies with a strong agenda such as PETA are reporting false studies regarding the dangers of animal proteins