Podcast Duration: 28:05
Release Date: 12/23/22
3 Key Takeaways
Do not eat trans fats (disguised as hydrogenated oils on food labels)
High fat diets from whole foods support weight loss and heart health
Avoid eating sugar on a high fat diet, the combination of sugar and fat increases risk of heart disease
Understanding Fat
People are confused about fat even though the data is clear
Low fat diets are not good for you and are associated with higher risk of heart disease
True or false:
Vegetable oils are better for health than animal fats
Soybean oil, seed oil, palm oil- 1000% increase in the last 100 years
These are unstable and oxidized
Increases risk of heart disease
A salad with non fat dressing is better that one doused in fats and oil
Your body needs fat in order to absorb nutrients in plant foods
Olive oil is great for metabolic health
Cholesterol from eggs can increase heart disease
The dietary guidelines have now stated that dietary cholesterol is not associated with cholesterol levels
Trans fats are the worst fats to consume
Fats and oils make you gain weight because they are more calorie dense than carbs and proteins
Eating the right fats and oils help you lose weight
Boosts metabolism and reduces heart health risk
The federal government's dietary guidelines no longer put a limit on how much fat to eat
What is the Nutritional Purpose of Fats and Oils?
More satiating (keep you full for longer)
Do not spike insulin
Need fat to help support cell membranes
Help make hormones
They come from cholesterol
Anti inflammatory
6 things About Fats and Oils We Need to Know
The kind of fat we eat is much more important than the amount
Mufas- mono-unsaturated fatty acids
These are good fats
Found in olive oil and other nuts and seeds
Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and inflammation
Guards against damage in arteries from sugar
Pufas- Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Must come from Whole foods
These are essential
Lenoic acid
You need both omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids
Low omega 3 can cause metabolic disease
Improper fat balance can result in cognitive disorders such as depression and ADHD
Saturated Fat is not an enemy
Most people respond very well to high saturated fat intake for weight loss
Lower triglycerides
Can raise HDL and LDL
Trans fats are the enemy
Absolute worse fats to eat
These are hydrogenated oils
Causes small dense cholesterol to build up
Increase chances of stroke and heart attack
Do not eat your fat with carbs
Increases inflammation
Eat your fats with vegetables
Increases the bioavailability of nutrients in the vegetables
Ketogenic diets
Great for a variety of diseases
Shown to increase brain function and lifespan
Best to cycle in and out of keto
Palm oil is the most disruptive for the environment
Causing massive deforestation
Eating lots of whole food that contains fat is the best way to eat
Avoid fats that have been altered or processed in any way