Released Date:9/4/2022
Podcast Duration: 01:37:03
3 Key Takeaways
Increase your sleep regularity
Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day
Do not nap during the day if you struggle to fall asleep at night
Room temperature of 65-67 degrees is the most optimal to promote sleep
Topics Covered
Why do we sleep?
Stages of sleep
Sleep chronotypes
Tips to improve total sleep and efficiency
Pros and cons of napping
Effects of blue light and caffeine on sleep
Dangers of sleeping pills
Useful alternatives to help sleep disorders
Evolutionary reasons to sleep
Data shows within the span of 70 years society has decreased total sleep time by almost 20 to 25%.
Reducing sleep means reducing the oxygen saturation in our blood
Eight hours of sleep is the greatest life support system from mother nature
Sleep is the foundation of good health when compared to diet and activity
The record of survival without food was 382 days (a lean person maybe 30 days)
Deprivation of sleep causes the quickest reduction of health
Guinness has banned trying to set a record for sleep deprivation (record might have been up to 24 days) because it’s so dangerous (cancer, mental health, CVD, metabolic syndrome, suicidal tendencies)
Stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and brainwaves
Human beings, and in fact, all mammals will experience two different stages of sleep
Non REM (rapid eye movement)
Non REM sleep has been further subdivided into four separate stages, which are called stages one through four
Stages 1-2
Lightest stages of sleep
Stages 3-4
Really deep restorative
REM sleep
Involves bizarre rapid horizontal shuttling eye movements
Standard cycling architecture of sleep is a 90 minute sleep cycle which fluctuates between REM and Non-REM stages of sleep
Brainwaves Under the Wakeful Condition
When you're awake, your brain shows a series of frenetic, high frequency electrical activity
The size of that brainwave is not very big, but the frequency is high (50-60 wavelengths) per second.
As you start to fall asleep the back of the brain begins to settle down, it goes into what is called alpha rhythm
Once you start to actually transition through the bridge from the world of wakefulness to sleep, your eyeballs start to roll in their sockets
This is called slow rolling eye movements
Then you start to go down into the light stages of non REM sleep
Stages one and two
After about 20 minutes, you will fall into stages three and four
Understanding Sleep Chronotypes and why Knowing Yours can Help
There are genetic tests that can give you a stronger sense of chronotype
Chronotype in simple terms means:
Are you most productive in the morning?
Do you function better at night?
Do you operate best in the afternoon?
25 to 30% of the population are morning types
25 to 30% are evening types
The rest of us are somewhere in between
Chronotype is under strong genetic control for two reasons
There is a significant degree of heritability (passed on from previous generations)
A collection of genes will determine, to a degree what your chronotype is
Environmental factors also dictate chronotype
There is a pencil and paper method that sleep scientists have developed called the MEQ test
MEQ test is given in the morning and evening
Questionnaire test
Your score implies your Chronotype
Defining Sleep Efficiency and how to improve it
Healthy adults usually have a sleep efficiency of around 90%
Eight hours of sleep is 480 minutes, if you experience a 10% loss of efficiency you're down to 7:12
Devices like the aura ring and smart watches are very helpful because they can differentiate time in bed vs actual time spent sleeping
Based on respiration and heart rate
If you have sleep inefficiency then you need to extend your time in bed to overcome that slight inefficiency
7-8 hours for adults is optimal
Correcting Insomnia: a Counterintuitive Approach
The only situation in which to avoid spending a longer time in bed is if you're someone who is struggling with insomnia and you're laying in bed awake
To treat insomnia, its best to constrain or reduce total sleep time
Do not try to sleep until drowsiness occurs
Meditation and breath work can help slow the mind
Over the counter drugs and supplements can help induce sleep
Valerian root
Pros and Cons of Napping
Naps really are a "double edged sword"
Even short duration naps of 17 minutes can improve learning and memory benefits
May improve cardiovascular health as well
The downside of naps is that it can take away sleep structure and cycle
If you are struggling with sleep at night, avoid naps during the day
If you are not struggling with your sleep, you can nap regularly during the day without producing any negative responses
Sleep Hygiene, Wind-down Routine, and Tips for Better Sleep
Go to bed at the same time every night
Wake up at the same time every morning
Get a lot of darkness at night
Avoid bright lights in the evening
You need low body temperature to initiate sleep
Avoid alcohol in the evenings
Avoid caffeine in the afternoon
Give yourself some wind down opportunity time and build it into your routine
If you are struggling with sleep, remove all clock faces from your bedroom
Try to keep all of your technology outside of the bedroom
If you're going to have your phone in your bedroom, the rule is that you can only use it if you're standing up
The Optimal Room Temperature and Body Temperature for the Best Sleep
Data shows from hunter gatherer tribes, that they sleep less in the summer or when there is a hotter environment
Tribe members take summer naps to compensate for this
During winter, when they get cooler, they sleep longer at night
Frequency of daytime naps actually decreases
The data shows that somewhere around 65 to 67 degrees is optimal to promote sleep in most people
You need to cool down your extremities (arms and legs) to fall asleep
The body needs to remain cool to stay asleep (relative to environmental temperatures)
The body temperature will then rise as you begin to wake up
Keep the room cool and warm yourself up a little inside of bed
This will create comfortable radiating
Improves latency (you fall asleep faster)
Understanding Blue Light
Peter Attia explained that he has recently down-regulated his belief in the effectiveness of blue light
He developed a new mental framework regarding the effects of the invasion of technology in our evening lives and in the bedroom
The idea is that they are mentally stimulating which is disruptive to sleep
Light emitting is not as impacting as brain stimulation
The reason that screens were blamed is because they are LED based
Enriched in the lower visible light spectrum, the shorter wavelength, in other words, the cool blues
Understanding Caffeine and Sleep
If you look at Coffee drinkers, they reliably decrease risk in regards to a whole constellation of diseases
Some specialists believe caffeine consumption should not only be tolerated but maybe encouraged as well
Caffeine consumption later in the day is correlated with health detriment
For many Americans who don't get a balanced diet, coffee in the morning may be one of the only primary sources of antioxidant consumption
Decaffeinated coffee, which carries the same antioxidant load, but without the caffeine has many health benefits associated with it
It's fine and considered healthy to be drinking a couple of cups of coffee in the morning
Maximum daily dose should not exceed 500mg
The Dangers of Sleeping pills, Useful Alternatives and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
The FDA has recently upped mortality risk for the use of Ambien, Lunesta and other drugs in this family
These drugs have been shown to dramatically decrease immune system function
Try to use them as a very last resort in the smallest dose possible
Sleeping pills must no longer be the first line recommendation for insomnia, it should be something else called cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia or CBTI
Research found that anywhere between three to 18 pills per year, carried a statistically significant increase in mortality risk